Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Triumph of Hope over Experiences: New Year's Resolutions '12

I have a history of coming up with amazing New Year's resolutions, then not doing them. Imagine that! Of course, I understand that there is research out there indicating that NYRs may be both unhealthy and unachievable, but as a Diet Coke addict I've never let that sort of thing get in my way! Anyway, I'm hoping that posting these here on ID will help keep me accountable, and maybe I'll even post an update or two as the year goes on.

Resolutions for 2012

1. Exercise more. I've located my FitBit charger and I'll be using the FitBit in 2012 to try to keep track of my steps. In the past when I've used it, I have walked more, so I hope this will continue. We have a treadmill, an exercise bike, and those rubber bandy things,  so even if the weather outside is frightful I have no excuses!
2. Create more. That means writing, drawing, or painting every day. I'm taking an online class on journaling with water colors in late January; I have this and other blogs, including my Lorena's Recent and Retro Reads book review blog; I have ideas for at least two academic articles I'd like to write. So - plenty of opportunity! (Notice that I didn't say any of it (except the articles of course!) had to be good...)
3. Eat better. Mark and I both could stand to lose a few pounds, and we don't eat as well as we should. So - more cooking and more vegetables. And if I'm gonna eat the sweet stuff I love so dearly, at least I can try to make it myself.
4. Go (more)  paperless. I've spent the last few days trying to bring some order to my work and home offices, and I am innundated with paper. I have an eyepad; I have a scanner, I have a smartphone. I have Evernote, Zotero, Diigo, Delicious, Google Docs, the knowledge to easily convert things to be comfortably read on my digital devices, and a host of other tools that can substitute for piles of unorganized and unsearchable processed wood pulp. All I need is to create a workflow...

OK, that's it! I'm not looking to change the world in 2012,  or become amazing - I just want to fix a few things around my physical and mental edges. So come on, new year - let's give it a whirl and see how it goes!

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