Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Reality Check in My Favor

So something really wonderful happened to me today. It didn't happen at my unit staff meeting, nor at the very productive emerging technologies meet-up I set up for the afternoon. It didn't happen in my office, nor in the stacks. It happened at the reference desk. Info assistant Dr. C (who earned his PhD working as an info assistant & still helps out although he is an adjunct instructor now) called me and told me a patron needed to talk to me. I went up, thinking about the technology meetup, got to the reference desk, and saw L. L had defended his dissertation Monday (I spent that morning thinking about him and crossing my fingers!)-- successfully -- and came in to the library to tell me and to say thank you for the help I had given him over the past year. (He got a lot of help from my colleagues, too!) It was wonderful. I felt on top of the world. We actually all three of us kinda teared up a bit, even!

It's nice to get a reminder every so often amidst my interrupt-driven days about what really matters and what my job is really all about!!

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