Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Belated and Limited MOOC MOOC Post-Mortum, OR: What Does Thomas Friedman Have to Do with MOOCS?...

Some years ago I read Thomas L. Friedman's 2005 book, The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century. I'm actually not writing about that book, though: thinking about MOOCs, I'm actually pondering an interview with him by Tom Nissley that was posted on Amazon that I read before I read  his book. When I read it, this is the part that jumped out at me:
Friedman: There is no substitute for face-to-face reporting and research. But it is now much easier to do all the things that go with it. I basically did all the library research for this book on Google, and it not only saved me enormous amounts of time but actually gave me a much richer offering of research in a shorter time. Many interviews that I conducted first face-to-face, I followed up with e-mail questions and answers. It was enormously helpful to just be able to shoot off a question to Nandan Nilekani or Vivek Paul and get the answer back within 24 hours. I do, though, have a set of e-mail pen pals from around the world whom I have never met, or only met once or twice. Many of them, interestingly, are Muslim women, who use the Internet to reach out, communicate, and question in ways that their traditional society would have normally prevented.
This, to me, encapsulates much of my thoughts about MOOCS, in both positive and negative ways.

First, let me talk about my own MOOC MOOC experience. The MOOC started the week before classes began at WSU. As a librarian, I had a lot to do (especially after a bit of a lost summer due to a concussion, but whatever). Anyway, with every will in the world to fully participate, I actually became a common statistic, effectively dropping out of the class pretty quickly. I did do the first assignment, however - a short video responding to the prompt "Where does learning happen?" (you can see my video at the end of this post). I spent a lot of time on the first assignment and watching other people's videos, and I followed the #moocmooc hashtag on Twitter, and I *meant* to go back and catch up on what I missed because it was interesting, just never happened. Life and work happened, instead.

There has been a lot of discussion about MOOCs in the Chronicle of Higher Education , Inside Higher Ed, and all over the Web on blogs and other conversation places. I'm not going to jump into those conversations; I just want to note a few things that I considered during and after my experience.

Research. Sources. In the interview excerpt above, Friedman boasts that he did not use libraries for his research, relying on Google (Google Scholar did not appear until November 2004 so its unlikely that he was able to make use of it; it's also likely that there was less open access academic/peer reviewed research available at the time, although I'm speaking out of my hat on this). That was his choice (and I personally think it was an irresponsible one, but he's sold millions of books and has a column in the New York Times, and I...have neither ;-). He's got the ear of movers and shakers; his calls and emails get returned and people are eager to talk with him and be quoted by him.

The thing is, some of the people who participate in MOOCs are like me - people who have academic affiliations and access to scholarly resources (including scholarly monographs,databases full of fulltext peer-reviewed journal articles and more) through our institutions. But many others don't have access to those kind of resources, and are limited to what they can find through the open Web. The growth of Open Access means that there is a lot of scholarly work available for free, but it is still (unfortunately) limited. If you don't have access to a really good public library or an institution of higher education, you are on the red ink side of the research access divide...  On one hand, MOOCs are opportunities (if the MOOCer can fully take advantage); on the other hand, there are inherent inequalities that affect the work you do and the expereince you have (access to previously published is only one of them...).  Friedman may have been able to write a big book without using a library, but woe betide any of the students at my university who turn in a research paper that does not cite appropriate and quality sources (some of which came from other institutions via consortial borrowing and interlibrary loan). Friedman may have been able to contact people directly, but he knew who to talk to, and he is someone who's (whose?) calls get returned. (Although that reminds me about the old joke about "Mike Wallace from 60 Minutes is on the phone"...)

On the other hand (I think I may be up to at least four here), Friedman was also able to communicate via his "e-mail pen pals" with people all over the world. What an amazing database that is! Direct interaction with people - people of power, but also people who so often seem to be voiceless or marginalized. In the context of my discussion here, that is a huge strength of MOOCs - the ability to communicate and learn - from and with - people all over the world who bring their own voices, histories, experiences, and more with them. The ability to interview and engage with someone via email or Skype...if they respond to you.

So what am I left with? If you don't have quality and appropriate resources, its hard to create what you need at the level you want to create it at. As a librarian, I worry about the people who don't have connections (through their own affiliations, or...).  When you take a class at a physical college or university, in theory all students in the classroom  have access to the resources available through their institution. It may not always work out that way, but everyone has a library card and remote database access. As far as I know, no MOOC comes with academic library privileges. I wish they did - I wish Coursera and EdX and all the rest of them negotiated article databases and ebook access for their participants, but the Magic 8 Ball says its not gonna happen any time soon, and certainly not for MOOCs that don't charge (oh yeah, that's the "open" part of them, isn't it?). So right off, there is an inequality of access -- a research access/research library divide -- that has a significant chance of affecting the quality of work. Sure, there is lots of good research freely available online (much via colleges and universities and their faculty), and sure people can get around it, but it is a limiter. And it sets people up to have less of a chance to succeed - to learn, and to create their own knowledge built, as knowledge is, by participating in the scholarly conversation that takes place via reading, understanding, synthesizing, integrating,and citing research (and other scholarly or creative work) that has come before.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ereading Apps Frustration...

So I'm up a bit early due to a pot roast, so I might as well write this!

I've been spending some time thinking about ereaders and ereading apps, preparing for a meeting and for revising my library ebook guide and my Packaged Paper for Digital Devices workshop. Reading apps are interesting - if you just want to read an ebook, most of them are fine. Sure, there are certain basic functionalities (font size, background,etc.), but most do the job. When you are thinking of using them for reading academic / scholarly or professional stuff, however, things get more complicated.

Functionality I want (list may be modified in the future -- and yes, I'm asking for a lot):

  • highlight text
  • annotate text
  • export notes and highlights! (this is a biggie...and I'd like to export either individually or collectively)
  • export with metadata: title, author, page number/location
  • text-to-speech
  • endnote links work (optimally foward and backward)
  • Dropbox/SugarSync integration
  • search
  • font size changing
  • backgrounds (I totally love sepia)
  • Granular (not automatic)  social sharing to Twitter, Facebook, etc.
  • Ability to take advantage of all smartphone/tablet sharing options
  • Multi-format (this one isn't so important, but reading both EPUB and .mobi would be nice, and I guess it has to read PDFs although those are problematic)
  • Adobe Digital Editions-compatible
  • EPUB version ? Not sure about this one...

I know there are comparison lists out there [add link(s)], but they don't quite include what I want - so, I guess I'll be working on this! The thing is, I don't think its going to be a successful project. The situation with exporting is especially not likely, unfortunately. I remember an initiative to create some sort of cross-app standard (?) to do this... [look up; check status - probably dead in the water...]

Some of the apps to look at: BlueFire, Aldiko, Moon+, iBook, Kindle (desktop, device, and app), Nook (desktop, device, and app), ebrary, ADE, Mankato.. (no, that is a city; I mean Mantano ;-)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Mysterious Foursquare Special...

So, there is a home-grown burger place here in Pullman that Mark and I love. I went there yesterday to get some burgers and slushies, and when I checked in via Foursquare, I saw this:
It looked a bit too good to be true, but I shrugged and figured I'd show it to the person taking my order and see what would happen. $5.00 is, in fact, $5.00. When I showed my phone to the person at the till, she didn't know anything about it. She asked her supervisor - and then called the manager. No one knew anything about this. No worries on my part, but I noted to them that they might want to check up on this as other Foursquare "players" might be asking about it. 

Afterwards I thought about it - it seemed one of two things was going on. Either 1), the burger place had in fact created a Foursquare special, but had done a lousy job of telling their employees. This was clearly not the case in this instance. The other option, 2) was some sort of Foursquare spam (which reminded me I had gotten at least one piece of email spam via my Foursquare account). 

So just now I was thinking about this again, and I thought to look at the web version of Foursquare. When I did, I saw this:

 Oh! All is explained! Maybe I should have guessed something based on the sponsor. the phone version of Foursquare there was nothing (at least that I can recall)  indicating that this special was just for people paying with an AmEx card - also, I was there on the 27th and it was still showing up on my Android version of Foursqure.  This is clearly confusing, and could result in some ill will directed towards the nice people (and they are!) at the burger joint. Tomorrow I will stop by the burger place and show them this just in case other Foursquare users come checking in...classes will be starting in a few weeks and college students are trickling back into campus. 

Social media. Its tricky...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I Drank a Mocha and I Liked It

Looking for something else (a particular quotation about coffee) I found this on my Facebook feed. I wrote it back in 2010, when I discovered coffee. Since then I have indeed given up Diet Coke (and soda in general) but I had to stop the mochas too ($s & #s). Now I love my iced coffees...

 I Drank a Mocha and I Liked It (sung to Katy Perry’s “I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It”) by Lorena O'English on Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This was not the order I planned, not my usual selection
I was so tired, droopy eyes, lost my direction
It’s not my norm, just wanna try a little sip
I’m curious after reading your description

I drank a mocha and I liked it, the taste of its caffeinated chocolate
I drank a mocha just to try it, I hope Diet Coke don’t mind it
It tasted so wrong, it smelled so right, don’t mean I’ve switched for keeps
I drank a mocha and I liked it, I liked it

No, I don’t know how many calories, it doesn’t matter
You’re my experimental cup, just a shot of energy
It’s not what cheap girls do, not how they should spend their money
My tastebuds get so bemused, hard to be frugal

I drank a mocha and I liked it, the taste of its caffeinated chocolate
I drank a mocha just to try it, I hope Diet Coke don’t mind it
It smelled so wrong, it tasted so right, don’t mean I’ve switched for keeps
I drank a mocha and I liked it, I liked it